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Nudge targeting

Targeting conditions for Nudges

Creating Nudge targeting conditions follows the same syntax as our other Assistance experience: Who/Where/When. There's some brief info below, but if you want the nitty-gritty visit the Who/Where/When guide.

Advice for targeting Nudges well

The key behind any successful nudge is a well-crafted set of targeting criteria that ensure that the nudge is, for most users who see it, helpful and not annoying. Here are some tips for achieving this:

  • Who - create audiences that describe your key user personas and use those audiences to describe your Who criteria. Audiences keep your targeting disciplined; most of the time you should only show your nudge to one audience. If you feel the need to show a nudge to two audiences, you should consider duplicating your nudge and tweaking the contents to better suit each individual audience.
  • Where - use URL conditions where possible (they are easier to get right and harder to mess up). It goes without saying that you want to be as specific as possible. Rarely do you want to show a nudge on the homepage of your product (unless it's an important announcement). If you use this type of targeting and you ever want to trigger your nudge from another experience like Copilot or HelpHub, it is strongly recommended to set up a start page as well.
  • When - this is the part most popups neglect. Rarely do you want to show a nudge when a user first opens up your product (again, important announcements are an exception). At the very least, use Smart Delay (this is a catch-all When trigger to prevent users from seeing nudges when they are engaged in some task).